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Tansiyon Holter Cihazı Contec ABPM50

Contec ABPM50 tansiyon holter cihazı 24 saat programlanabilir özelliktedir. Cihazın menüsü türkçe bilgisayar yazılımı ingilizce’dir. 24 saat boyunca yapılan ölçümler bilgisayara aktarılabilir. Ölçüm sonuçları tablolar şeklide detaylı olarak görüntülenebilir, istenirse yazıcıdan çıktıları alınabilir. Cihaz hafiftir ve kolayca taşınabilir. Yetişkin, çocuk ve bebek hastalarda kullanılabilir.

Garanti süresi: 2 yıl
Ölçüm süresi: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 dakika
Tansiyon ölçüm aralığı: 10-270 mmHg
Alarmlar: Var
Bilgisayar yazılımı: Var
Ölçüler (mm): 120 x 80 x 32

ABPM50 is a handhold ambulatory blood pressure monitor, which is designed according to oscillography theory. The device could monitor human body blood pressure up to 24 hours continuously and dynamically, providing accurate basis for the diagnosis. It is applicable for using in hospital, clinic and other medical institutions.

Product features:
1)Compact and portable, user-friend interface, easy to use
2)Patient range: adult, pediatric, neonate
3)24 hours ambulatory NIBP monitoring function, up to 350 groups of ambulatory NIBP data can be recorded for once.
4)Perfect combination of automatic and manual measurement method, up to 300 groups of data can be recorded for once by manual measure.
5)High-definition color TFT display, strong visibility
6)By data review interface such as "data list","trend graph","big font", NIBP data is clear at a glance
7)Display of low power prompt, alarm, error message and time
8)Supply two kinds of unit: mmHg / kPa
9)Display interface can be switched between Chinese and English
10)Parameter alarm dispose function is optional
11)Communicate with PC, PC software can achieve data review, measured results analysis, view of trend graph, reports printing and other functions
Software features:
1)Connect to the device by USB interface.
2)Download NIBP measure result from the terminal device.
3)Display of scoop-shape trend graph, filling-type trend graph, histogram, pie chart, correlation line graph.
4)Edit every piece of NIBP data, and add annotation to it.
5)Edit basic information, doctor's advice, NIBP status instruction, current medicine-taken information, etc.
6)Support report printing and print preview.

Measure Method: Oscillometry
Measure Mode: The upper arm measure
Automatic Measure Interval: 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 minutes
Measure range: Pressure:0kPa (0mmHg)~38.67kPa (290mmHg)
Resolution: 1mmHg
Accuracy: ±3mmHg
Alarm parameter: SYS, DIA
Inflation: automatic inflation by force pump
Deflation: automatic multistep deflation
Measure range: 40bpm~240bpm
Power supply: DC 3V (2×1.5V AA alkaline dry battery)
Safety type: internally powered device, type BF applied part with defibrillation protection

Cuff for adult 1pc
CD (PC software) 1pc
User manual 1pc
USB data line 1pc
Pack 1pc

Physical characteristic
Dimension: 128mm(L) ×69mm(W) × 36mm(H) (without packaging)
Weight: <300 g (with battery)
Operational environment
Temperature: 5 ˚C~40 ˚C
Relative humidity: 15%~85%
Atmospheric pressure: 700hPa~1060hPa
Specific EMC, climate, mechanical environment: Do not use a mobile phone in the vicinity of the device, for the strong radiation field produced by mobile phone would interfere with the normal function of use.
Storage environment:
Temperature: -20˚C ~ +55 ˚C
Relative humidity: ≤95 %
Specific EMC, climate, mechanical environment: The device after packaged should be stored in a environment of -20℃~+55℃, relative humidity no more than 95%, and well-ventilated room with no corrosive gas. Strong shock, vibration and snow and rain should be avoided during transportation

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